What (supernatural) gift would you most like to possess?
I would like to have a younger body forever – that is, until I die.
Of all your works, past and present, which is your favorite, independent of anyone else’s opinion?
I would say it is a toss up between Cheek to Cheek as a smaller piece and Conservation of Intimacy as a larger installation.
Can you describe a scene from a film that particularly affected you?
Just this day I was thinking of a scene from Eric Rohmer’s Parsival (Perceval le Gallois (1978), red.). About how moving and meditative his literal translation from the 13th century piece of writing was. Everything was done on a sound stage with minimal sets and everything was word for word including the scene descriptions performed by the actors. To have the character say: ‘And slowly he turned his head unto her and he spoke….’. Then he said his lines as well and she said: ‘She cast her eyes downwards and then raised them to look at him…’ and the characters followed their own stage direction.
Which artist, living or dead, would you like to have visit your exhibition?
I admire, and have taken ideas from many people’s work, but I don’t know that I am wondering what they would say about what I do. That said, I have been thinking about Duchamp lately and I have certainly borrowed a lot from him. And he was quite clever in his comments…. But I think I would like to have Etienne Jules Marey come see my show where so many pieces are derived from his scientific research.
Please describe your ideal visitor.
Someone curious and playful and not in a big rush.
And your ideal exhibition space?
I like spaces with some character and a history in the architecture. Something I can play around in.
How would you explicate this exhibit to your parents?
My mother did see some of my work before she died. I think I told her that I make these large whimsical wood machines for people to play with and that as they do this, I hope to have people become actors in a theatre of their own imagining.
What do you not want the visitor to miss while visiting the exhibition?
The chance to participate with each other in making things happen.
What do you not want the visitor to see?
I hope the visitor will see everything. I try to make it all transparent
Of what do you consider yourself a connoisseur?
I don’t think of myself as a connoisseur. I can’t even spell it right. Or did I?
What would you be (doing), if you weren’t an artist?
I have no idea. I can’t really imagine myself being someone other than who I am.
Bernie Lubell
16 oktober t/m 22 november 2009
V2_ Instituut voor Instabiele Media
Witte de Withstraat 63, Rotterdam